Film Kuma Stream ANime Film


Kuma Stream is a template that is suitable for those of you who want to create an anime streaming site. This template is equipped with many features, perfect for those of you who want to find adsense or other advertiser sites.

Featured Template

  • Responsive
  • Slide Show Homepage
  • Anime Info Auto Index by Label
  • Dark Mode
  • Recent post by Label
  • Lazy Load Image
  • Lazy Load Youtube
  • Anime info auto index by label
  • Related Episode Series
  • Grid style & List Style (switch button)
  • Related blog/article widget
  • Popular Post widget (hanya post dengan label series yang ditampilkan)
  • Genre Anime widget
  • Season Anime widget
  • Studio Anime widget
  • Episode list auto index by label
  • Ongoing/Movie Archive style
  • Menyembunyikan Episode post pada homepage, search query, archive & label search
  • Membedakan post series dan post streaming (auto by label)
  • Next Prev Episode (auto by label)
  • Light On/Off Video Streaming
  • Expand Video Stream
  • Page view counter
  • DLL


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  • Deskripsi

  • Publisher

  • Tag

    Film Premium Premium Template