Binuang Digital Premium

Digital Marketing Binuang Digital Premium


Salah sawijining template blogger sing paling SEO-loropaken lan dioptimalake kanthi apik yaiku Binuang Digital Iku dimaksudake kanggo nyedhiyakake blogger kanthi kabeh keuntungan saka Toko Cithakan, Tema streaming Musik lan Video. Kajaba iku, tema iki nduweni akeh fitur, kalebu fitur, saben label anyar, kode terstruktur supaya disenengi dening mesin telusur kaya Google, Bing, Yandex, lan liya-liyane, lan nduweni tampilan sing bisa diduweni kanthi ngaktifake true kanggo wadhah lengkap. jembaré utawa palsu kanggo tampilan kothak. Sampeyan bisa mriksa fitur liyane ing ngisor iki.


Template NameBinuang Digital
Published on2021
Last updated onJune 2022
Purchase LinkBuy Now


Binuang Digital is a blogger template suitable for video, music, and image download blogs. This Blogger template is designed in a more modern way to suit today's appearance.


  1. You don't need any coding knowledge to customize this theme,  It very easy to customize everything from layout section
  2. SEO Friendly
  3. Fully Responsive
  4. Mobile Friendly
  5. Support Schema Markup
  6. Support Desainer Theme
  7. Widget Layout version 3.0.0
  8. Fast loading template
  9. Widget pop-up Emails
  10. Google Font
  11. Ads Ready on Layout
  12. Breadcrumb
  13. Post type Music - Embed by SoundCloud
  14. Post type Video - Embed by Youtube
  15. Custom page error 404
  16. Related post
  17. Effect Image Lightbox
  18. Menu Linklist
  19. Lazyload
  20. jQuery
  21. Header Sticky
  22. Lazy load
  23. Top Navigation
  24. Primary Menu
  25. Pagination Menu
  26. Footer Menu
  27. Validated Structured Data
  28. Breadcrumbs
  29. Suits Best for Templates Store, Music and Video streaming websites
  30. Mobile friendly, Responsive and Fast loading
  31. AdSense friendly and User friendly 
  32. Social media share buttons
  33. Mobile Friendly
  34. Custom 404 page


*Click on the Download button and follow some simple steps and to get the Download link and then click on Download button and save the Template XML file, Click on the Demo button to watch a Demo of the Template


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